24 - Transman - He/Him
Unlisted, USA
Voice Actor

Stalk me!

Follow me wherever I roam! I'm bound to do something interesting SOMEWHERE... right?

Support me!

Do you enjoy what I make, want to commission me, or just want to throw me a gift?
Just know it's always appreciated! I will actually cry and I am not exaggerating.

Please note that Stripe and Ko-fi only allow SFW sales. I will not take payment for NSFW works through these sites, to honor their ToS.

Meet the dog

im fockin' depressed, mate

a cold mess sticking between your teeth
you just cant get rid of me

I'm an autistic creator with borderline personality disorder (BPD), among other disorders.
I experience every emotion very intensely, and react according to such. Because of these things, and others, a lot of patience and understanding is required when dealing with me. I have tried to improve these things to little effect, and have been villified for seeking therapy to help me work through it (as well as have a lot of trauma relating to therapy as it is).
I can be, and usually am, too much for people to handle.
I create a lot of things that make people uncomfortable. I do this to work through my trauma, giving myself a space where I can explore dark themes (such as rape and child abuse/CSA that have happened to me in real life) in a controlled environment and give myself some sort of power over them. This, sadly, gives people the impression that I am okay with or romanticize these things happening in the real world, which is entirely not the case.
I consider myself to be "pro-fiction" because, while I may personally find things like lolisho porn and feral porn disgusting and curate my spaces to avoid them, I believe firmly that it is a person's right to explore these things in fictional media, regardless of their reason. I was given the ability to mute words and block accounts, which I do frequently.
You may sometimes see my accounts being used by other entities, such as someone named Charleston. I have Tulpas, and have for a decade at the time of writing this. They come and go, as I've lost touch with most of them and have been unable to meditate for a while. He can sometimes still pop up and tries very hard to take care of me, but his abilities are limited compared to what they once were. This is NOT DID.My special interests:
- Entomology
- Biology/Zoology
- Animals
- Horror Culture/True Crime
- Tea & Natural Medicine



What is a Tulpa?

A tulpa is a materialized being or thought form, typically in human form that is created through spiritual practice and intense concentration. They are capable of independent action, with a persistent personality and identity.
This concept originates in Buddhism, wherein they would be manifested through meditation in order to teach those who had not yet reached nirvana.
The concept is now widespread throughout the world, and no longer practiced exclusively by Buddhists.



Charleston will add info here next time he is out.

Do Not Interact

If you're a real life Zoophile/Pedophile, and are not seeking help for those urges (or if you think real children/animals are capable of consent)If you are homophobic/transphobicIf you're a minor (Even in SFW contexts, I am extremely uncomfortable talking to minors unless they are family or I am in a school/professional setting)If you think Doxxing is okay, periodIf you think it's funny to drive someone to attempt to take their own life, even if they're a "bad person"

Image Credits

Header/FooterPulled from this Tumblr
Annoying DogTobyFox
"Home" Error HeadshotZiquitex
"Meet The Dog" Error FeralDewyAppleSeed
"About Me pt2" Error FullbodyMyself
Red WolfUnable to find original source; oldest use is Scottie Westfall/RetrieverMan

Bear in mind that these folks are not associated with me. They are simply resource creators that I am using items from, or artists that I commissioned. They do not know me, we are not friends or acquaintances- they just accepted money from me, a stranger.
Do not harass them just because I threw them a few coins. I don't care what you think of me, they did not ask for that.
Credits are provided so that others who are interested in their work can find them and also commission them.